Are you ready to Level-Up?

Do You Need a New Direction & Strategy to Get Where You Want To Be?

The FIND YOUR GOLD Membership Training Area is Your Online GOLD MINE!

8 Questions to Consider:

  • Do you need to make more money?

  • Is it time for you to get a promotion?

  • Do you need to become a better salesperson?

  • Do you need to start your business now?

  • Are you ready to fix your marriage or relationship?

  • Are you struggling to step into your dreams?

  • Does your family or spouse not support you?

  • Are you ready to level-up?

It's time to Discover Your True Purpose, Destiny, & the Reason that will propel you to the most incredible future you can imagine.

Tell Me More Dave...


...OK, I'm so glad you asked!


When you sign up to become an

Elite Access Member today, 


$6,217 VALUE


Here's What You'll Get

  • 6-Week Find Your Gold Masterclass

    ($2,997 Regular Price)

  • Plus 29 Ad-Free Golden Nuggets

    ($29 Regular Price)

  • The GPS Workshop

    ($497 Regular Price)

  • The Mini-Masterclass

    ($297 Regular Price)

  • One FREE Admission* to the First Annual,


    in Scottsdale Arizona, October 24-27, 2019

    ($1,997 Regular Admission Ticket Price. *Just pay $97 for material fees)

  • Plus my ENTIRE Box Set of Printed Course Workbooks*

    ($497 Regular Price on Amazon.)

    *box set depends on the Membership Access Level you are currently enrolled in.



What You'll Learn Each Week in the 6-Week Curriculum

  • #FYG Masterclass Week 1 - Pre-Dig Personal Assessment

    Week 1 is the Pre-Dig Personal Assessment.

    This is the week where you assess where you are, where you want to be and what you are working with.


    You will gain clarity by taking inventory of the tools you already have and by identifying negative habits that are holding you back so you can overwrite them with better empowering habits that will help you level-up.

  • #FYG Masterclass Week 2 - Designing and Building Your Treasure M.A.P.

    Now that you have taken inventory on where you are, you must build your M.A.P. to get there.

    If you do not have a MAP, you will still get somewhere - but you probably wont love it.


    Your Treasure M.A.P. is the Massive Action Plan leading to your treasure. This requires something simple but often overlooked... To Define WHAT YOU WANT AND WHY.


    What is your treasure and Why Do you want it - next week we talk about HOW to find your gold once you've developed your M.A.P.

  • #FYG Masterclass Week 3 - Learn how to D.I.G. for Your Gold

    Now that you have designed your Treasure M.A.P. you will need to learn how to D.I.G. Or how to set and maintain Daily Intentional Goals.


    The daily part of the DIGging process is crucial because with daily digging, you will find your gold..

    If you only dig once in a while, you may happen on some nuggets here and there, but you may never tap the unlimited vein of gold traveling down to your core...


    Your Unlimited Vein of gold is surely there, but it is deep - requiring much D.I.G.ging. This week, I'll teach you some ways that I D.I.G. for my gold and how to do so more efficiently and without burning out. 

  • #FYG Masterclass Week 4 - How to Refine Your Golden Ore After You Mine it.

    How much GOLD have you dug out of the mountain of your mind over the last 20 years that is still sitting in journals - or on a hard drive somewhere?


    Refinement is hard - It takes heat, pounding and hard work - This is where most people Quit. 


    Have you finished refining some of your gold then asked someone else what they think of it and they tell you its not gold?


    Do you then become a little self-concious and afraid to release your gold thinking its not good enough - so you say you'll work on it for another year and then you'll be ready to release it..


    Have you stopped refining your gold because when you dug it up you began to realize that the process to refine it and get it ready to share was a ton of work & effort, requiring entirely new skills that you must acquire.


    Week 4 in the masterclass will give you tools that will help you blast through these obstacles and get to the next stage... Sharing your gold!

  • #FYG Masterclass Week 5 - How To Share Your Gold so it can Multiply.

    This is where it gets fun - although it is also where it gets scary. 

    There are 3 fears that we must address and destroy before we can share our gold. those 3 fears are:

    1. The Fear of Judgement - Criticism

    2. The Fear of Rejection

    3. The Fear of Perfection


    This week in the Masterclass you will learn many tactics to overcome these fears and get your gold shareable and ready to multiply!!!

  • #FYG Masterclass Week 6 - How To Market YOUR Gold PLUS Daily Life Application

    Now that you have put in all the hard work, dedication, perseverance, focus, creativity, and heart into your gold, it is time to shout from the rooftops that your gold mine is open for business. 


    This is the time when you learn to receive, because if you did the rest of the process, this is where the gold you dug out of your mind can begin to translate into your bank account!

When You Need A New Direction But Have No Idea Where To Start

You Have Gold In The

Mountain Of Your Mind.

I'm Here To Help You D.I.G. It Out

Take your life to the next level

Enroll in the 6-Week FIND YOUR GOLD Masterclass and gain ELITE Access to EVERY Product I have.

  • Lifetime Access!

    Once you are a Find Your Gold Member, you will have lifetime access to my flagship 6-Week FIND YOUR GOLD Masterclass.

    This is my Premiere Online Training Course with 13 Hours of Video Teaching Content Plus Daily Workbook Guides. This course will give you daily application over 6 weeks - or you can choose to take each week over the course of one month. Then you will have a 6 Month training course.

    Or Each Week Applied over 2 Months - That would equal one year.


    However you choose to use this course is perfect, and always remember, as a member, you will have lifetime access and can always revisit it whenever you need it! 

  • Not For Everyone

    There are many great courses out there. There are none like this. This is a foundational course that will get you results in any area are struggling with. First I guide you to clearly identify your goals for success, so you can design your custom Treasure M.A.P., or the MASSIVE ACTION PLAN leading to your ultimate treasure!  Then you find your best path and follow your M.A.P. and you will get where you want to be. 

  • If You are ready to D.I.G. Deep?

    By setting and making progress on D.aily I.ntentional G.oals, then this course is for you. If not, then this course is probably not for you, because DIGGING requires hard work... but it is very satisfying work when it leads to where you really want to go. 

  • What D.O. You Want? (What is Your Desired Outcome)

    Once this is clearly identified in all important areas of your life, you will have the foundation to your Treasure M.A.P. 

  • Build Your Treasure M.A.P. (the Massive Action Plan leading to your Treasure)

    I never wonder what to do next. there are no moments when I am bored with nothing to do... Because I always move forward daily with plans toward my Golden Legacy Purpose and Punch through daily action towards my Current Golden Goals! This Masterclass will teach you how to do this with masterful fluency and achieve anything you want.

  • Measure me by YOUR REAL LIFE PROGRESS.

    There are a few reasons you would buy a training course in the first place. The First reason is that you need a fresh perspective on your current situation. You need to spot any hangups that can lead to 1%, 10%, 50%, 100% or 1000% more productivity and efficiency. That is what this course will do for you. 

  • Do you achieve goals easily but find yourself feeling empty after succeeding at a high level?

    Do you have any personal goals that you are striving for as you build your career?

    Now is time to level up in the areas of your life that really matter. 

    YOUR TIME IS NOW, and the 6-Week Masterclass will show you how - step-by-step!

  • As an ELITE Member, you will get a FREE ticket to my FIND YOUR GOLD 3-Day Seminar Workshop ($1,997 Value FREE, just pay $97 Materials Fee To Lock In Your Seat)


    Make sure to MARK YOUR CALENDAR for October 24-27, 2019 in beautiful Scottsdale, AZ


    We will have three immersive days to take inventory, set a new direction, then build Your Treasure M.A.P.

    for the next 1-5-10-20-50-100 years. With Supercharged Energy coming from all Your New Friends, we will build our Custom Affirmations and New Daily Schedule to lead us into a successful future!

  • As an ELITE Member, you will also receive IMMEDIATE access to the FULL:

    - Golden Paradigm Shift Workshop (Reg Price $497) Along with the sought after,

    - 4-Part FIND YOUR GOLD Mini-Masterclass (Reg Price $297) and finally the

    - 29 Golden Nugget Episodes with Audio, Written Transcript & Workbook Downloads


    All Included with your Membership today!

  • How much time and energy do you invest in moving your goals forward? If you give yourself only ONE hour per day to achieve your personal goals, you will have invested 6.5, forty-hour workweeks into your dreams.

    What if you had six and a half 40 hour weeks all to yourself? Imagine how much you could accomplish.


    I will help you design your custom Massive Action Plan Leading To Your Treasure! (Your Treasure M.A.P.)


    And that Treasure Map Training process is locked and loaded and ready for you to implement.


    This Custom Process will clearly define the steps you will need to take to get from where you ARE to where you WANT TO BE and provide actionable and practical daily items and tactics that will make your life easier and make true transformation your reality

  • You will learn the tools, tips, hacks and strategies to turn your daily routine into a GOLD MINING MACHINE. You will learn to dig-deep to heal and discover your stability, excitement, significance, connection, growth and ultimately contribution.


    You are incredible. And I'm here to remind you of your awesomeness.

    So, If you are ready for this journey then, let's dig!

  • Full #FYG Physical Workbook BoxSet*

    Including one 8.5x11 Printed Course Workbook PER Course!


    5 Courses & 10 Workbooks in all, Plus my #1 Bestselling Book, "Your Gold Mind - Brain Digging Goal Guide" Mailed Directly To You so you can work through the process with Physical Materials During our 12 weeks or 12 months.

    *Box Set Depends on the current access level you are enrolled in.


Various Access Levels for #FYG Membership Training Area


29 Ad-Free

Golden Nuggets

for $29

  • 29 Ad-Free Golden Nuggets

    $1 per nugget - not bad! 

  • Downloadable

    Audio versions of each Nugget

  • Lifetime Access

    to the 29 Golden Nuggets to revisit any time you need a boost!

  • Full Helpdesk Support

$29/One Time

Golden Ore

4-Part Mini-Masterclass (over 3 hours of video training content)

  • Includes All

    items in the SILVER Access Level PLUS... 

  • PLUS Over 3 Hours 

    of video teaching content

  • PLUS Downloadable Audio files of each episode

  • PLUS Downloadable Written Transripts of each episode

  • Full Helpdesk Support

$297/One Time



Golden Paradigm Shift Workshop (GPS) 

  • Includes All

    items in the GOLDEN ORE Access Level PLUS... 

  • PLUS Over 3 Hours 

    of video teaching content

  • PLUS Downloadable Audio files of each episode

  • PLUS Downloadable Audio files of each episode

  • PLUS Downloadable

    Lesson Workbooks for Life Application

  • Full Helpdesk Support

$497/One Time


6-Week Masterclass (Over 13 hours of video training content)

  • Includes All

    items in the GOLD Access Level PLUS... 


    of video teaching content

  • Downloadable Audio files of each lesson

  • PLUS Downloadable Audio files of each episode

  • Downloadable

    Lesson Workbooks for Life Application

  • One FREE 30-Min

    Strategy Coaching Call With DAS!

  • Full Helpdesk Support

1 Payment of


"Only You Can Change Yourself"


A good motivational book on raising yourself from the "poor me" mindset into a positive goal oriented person. Tactics are included for keeping your enthusiasm as well as tips for getting rid of your bad habits by replacing them with suggested new habits that will change you and clear your mind of negativity. Loved the quotes!

~Jean L.

"Yes, I needed this!"


This will be perfect for my husband as he transitions into a new field!

~R. Lemay

"Motivational & Actionable"


If I may summarize the premise of the book, it's that everyone has gold (value) within them and Stone helps you find, organize and manifest it to realize riches and abundance in your life and in the lives of others.
I had a couple concerns going into the book that were quickly dispelled. The first concern is one I always have with any motivational book: is it just a feel-good book with no actionable advice? Pep talks and vague affirmations only make you feel good for a short time. Thankfully this book is not like that and Stone moves right into actionable principles and questions to ask yourself.
The other concern I had was if the gold mining analogy would get tired after a while. It did not -- I was fine with it and it was a useful metaphor in a lot of ways.
If I had any criticism it would be that there was a lot of information and principles in the book and sometimes it was a challenge to tie them together in his system. But just trust the process and keep reading.


A couple of my favorite nuggets (ha) from the book were:
Golden Legacy Purpose, and Healthy Topic Of Obsession.
I'll let you read and discover what they mean.

~Chris Lee

"Clear Roadmap To Find My Passions In Life"


I have read countless books in the self-help genre on purpose and living a life of fulfillment for the past 20 years. It's what most of us want right? This guy has created a very practical approach to achieving this. It's an easy read too. Do the work though. It's not enough to just read through and grasp intellectually. When you dive in and apply what he says, the clarity comes and the lightbulb has definitely turned on. I'll probably tune back into this time and time again if I ever find myself in confusion. His action steps have really helped me understand my inner "gold." I'm not done of course and will continue digging in search of new gold. The author paints a great picture though on how to begin the process and find our unique gifts that we are destined to share with the entire world. We can't hide our light. We must own it and share our gold with everyone. If we do so, abundance, love, happiness, fulfillment and anything else we could desire pour through. I have only been applying his concepts for a short while but I have definitely noticed a change within me. Try it out for yourself. I'm excited for you! If it can help a skeptic like me who's tried everything, it can definitely help you too.

~Amazon Customer

"Motivational Inspirational and Pragmatic"


This book is about re-discovering the unique talents, abilities, and passions that you came into the world with, that you were blessed with at birth. The author instructs you on the theory underpinning a wealthy mindset and how to achieve it. He emphasizes serving others and creating abundance through acts of generosity as only you uniquely can. A good reminder of how to optimally use what you already have and develop gratitude for your gifts. Re-read it for a quick motivational pick-me-up.

~Dan R.

"Not Preachy, It's Helpful"


This book contains practical applications to reframe your thought process and begin work towards getting what you want out of life. In a matter of hours I was, surprisingly, shifted from feeling hopeless and lacking motivation to being driven to create the life I wanted. It forces you to do some digging. Some of the “homework“ caused a bit of a roadblock for me, and I was tempted to put it down. Luckily, a friend stepped up and forced me to work through the questions. It was helpful to have somebody challenge me with the process. My mindset was drastically shifted in a matter of hours. Get the book and check out his YouTube channel. Soak up a little awesomeness.

~Just A Girl


These are the questions I get asked the most

How Will I Benefit From This 6-Week Masterclass?

Can I Cancel At Any Time?

Is There A Facebook Support Group?

How can the 6-Week Masterclass Help Me?

How Long Does It Take To Complete Each Online Course?

What if you want to go deeper than online training and hire DAS as Your Personal Gold Coach?


© Copyright 2020 D.A. Stone Enterprises LLC. All Rights Reserved.