Is there a ‘healthy’ 5g? & what are some simple things we can do to stay healthy?

with Dr. Jessie Keener

In episode 6, I interview Dr. Jessie Keener, teaches us about the dangers of 5G towers and what we can do about being bombarded by EMF's all the time.


Today we discuss:

  • What can we do to protect ourselves from the blasting radiation of 5G towers?

  • WE MUST STAND AND REVOLT! There is no such thing as safe 5G
  • It is obvious that 5g causes harm when birds start falling from the sky and people standing under a 5g tower begin to bleed from their ears or nose… is that what it will take for us to begin to wake up?
  • There are things we can do to protect ourselves.
  • The naturally occurring iodine in seaweed can help your body recover from EMF free radical damage.
  • Free Radical Damage is like rust on your cells. If your body is rusting from the inside, you will never be able to obtain true health.
  • Anti-Oxidants help defeat free radicals in our body – so we can help ourselves by eating greens and taking supplements high in antioxidants
  • Homeopathy, nature, deep breathing and frequency protection devices
  • Don’t sleep with your cell phone by your bed, unplug your router at night, drink more water, eat high quality sea salt.

Welcome to the Healthy And Family show!

Each episode features interviews with doctors, experts and real moms revealing their secrets on how to keep you and your whole family holistically healthy. 


Your host is David A Stone, award winning movie producer, Amazon bestselling author, certified moringa grower and founder of completenutra.com - whole family nutrition, which is committed to providing the highest quality, science-backed, non-gmo, all-natural, nutritional supplements to keep your whole family healthy.

The following are 5 areas of holistic health: 

  1. Mental Health
  2. Physical Health
  3. Spiritual Health
  4. Relational Health
  5. Financial Health

The Healthy And Family show was born from my curiosity on how to help everyone stay healthy because each one of us is different. 

Although we share differences, There are a lot of things we have in common and similarities that can benefit us all.


I think we all want to be healthy but sometimes it seems too confusing and difficult to make it a lifestyle. 

Let's support each other here and win together! #togetherwewin

Or Watch The Condensed Edit Below

QuickWatch 30-Minute Edit 

Listen to the Podcast Here:

(This episode will populate with the current show after 5pm MST on Friday)


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  • Phoenix, AZ United States

  • das@completenutra.com

  • (602) 456 9835


Welcome to the Healthy and family show!

Each episode features interviews with doctors, experts and real moms revealing their secrets on how to keep you and your whole family holistically healthy. 


Your host is David a stone, award winning movie producer, Amazon bestselling author, certified moringa grower and founder of completenutra.com - whole family nutrition, which is committed to providing the highest quality, science-backed, non-gmo, all-natural, nutritional supplements to keep your whole family healthy.

© Copyright by Goldstone Enterprises LLC. All Rights Reseved.

Countdown until Episode 13 with Elizabeth Hamilton-Guarino Topic: Author of 'Percolate' and founder of the Best Ever You Network.