Strengthen Your Immune System, The Importance of Spiritual Health & Making Lemonade Out of Life’s Lemons​

with JulieAnn Stone Ryan

In this very first episode, I interview my mom, JulieAnn Stone-Ryan.

She has inspired me to be an entrepreneur and pursue my passions. She has taught me to live with integrity and what a healthy spiritual relationship with God looks like. I thank her for everything she has done to keep me healthy, safe and strong. 

Welcome to the Healthy And Family show!

Each episode features interviews with doctors, experts and real moms revealing their secrets on how to keep you and your whole family holistically healthy. 


Your host is David A Stone, award winning movie producer, Amazon bestselling author, certified moringa grower and founder of completenutra.com - whole family nutrition, which is committed to providing the highest quality, science-backed, non-gmo, all-natural, nutritional supplements to keep your whole family healthy.

The following are 5 areas of holistic health: 

  1. Mental Health
  2. Physical Health
  3. Spiritual Health
  4. Relational Health
  5. Financial Health

The Healthy And Family show was born from my curiosity on how to help everyone stay healthy because each one of us is different. 

Although we share differences, There are a lot of things we have in common and similarities that can benefit us all.


I think we all want to be healthy but sometimes it seems too confusing and difficult to make it a lifestyle. 


Over the last few years I have built a YouTube family at DevelopAwesomeSkills. To date I have over 1 million views and more than 9 million minutes watched. My awesome army has watched me plant a food forest around my house and experiences my fascination with Moringa the Tree of Life. 


My obsession for creation was established very early on by my mom who told me I could do anything I dreamed of and encouraged me to do so. All of that led me to start CompleteNutra.com whole family nutrition. 


And that’s why I call CompleteNutra a Mom-Inspired company... because she always encouraged healthy activities like running around climbing mountains eating healthy and taking my vitamins.

She never let us have processed sugar as kids

She encouraged me to grow a garden

She encouraged me to build stuff 

She encouraged me to adventure and follow my interests


So In this very first episode, I interview my mom, JulieAnn Stone Ryan. She has inspired me to be an entrepreneur and pursue my passions. She has taught me to live with integrity and what a healthy spiritual relationship with God looks like. I thank her for everything she has done to keep me healthy, safe and strong. 


Today we discuss her tips for staying healthy. 

-       If you seek you will find

-       When life gives you lemons, make lemonade

-       Treat others with understanding and compassion because fear can be crippling.

-       When you are confused, stressed or overtaken with anxiety, pray.

-       it’s more important now than ever before to strengthen our immune system.

-       ask Jesus to help you and he will.


Please join me in welcoming my mom, JulieAnn!


Listen to the Podcast Here:


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Watch and Share the 30-Minute Streamlined edit of Episode 1

Watch and Share the 10-Minute Streamlined edit of Episode 1

5-Minute Edit - Short Version1

5-Minute Edit - Short Version2

5-Minute Edit - Short Version3

5-Minute Edit - Short Version4

60 Second Edit - Short Version1

60 Second Edit - Short Version2

60 Second Edit - Short Version3



  • Phoenix, AZ United States

  • das@completenutra.com

  • (602) 456 9835


Welcome to the Healthy and family show!

Each episode features interviews with doctors, experts and real moms revealing their secrets on how to keep you and your whole family holistically healthy. 


Your host is David a stone, award winning movie producer, Amazon bestselling author, certified moringa grower and founder of completenutra.com - whole family nutrition, which is committed to providing the highest quality, science-backed, non-gmo, all-natural, nutritional supplements to keep your whole family healthy.

© Copyright by Goldstone Enterprises LLC. All Rights Reseved.

Countdown until Episode 13 with Elizabeth Hamilton-Guarino Topic: Author of 'Percolate' and founder of the Best Ever You Network.